Daily Briefs

‘Innovative Guardianship Improvements’ focus of NCSC webinar Jan. 22

The National Center for State Courts will present a webinar on   “Innovative Guardianship Improvements - Enhancing Electronic Systems to Better Support Court Monitoring” Wednesday, January 22, at from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

Guardianship cases present unique challenges for courts, particularly due to the ongoing oversight required long after the date of deposition. Many courts have found it difficult to use their electronic systems to assist with this oversight.  This webinar will spotlight four courts that are building or improving their guardianship monitoring systems.

Speaking at the webinar will be:

• Paul DeLosh, director, Judicial Services, Supreme Court of Virginia

• Barbara Holmes, architect and database administrator contractor, Nevada Administrative Office of Courts

• Dan Wallis, trial court administrator, 22nd Judicial Circuit, Illinois

• Amy Whitworth, director, Office of Elder Justice in the Courts, Pennsylvania Administrative Office of Courts

• Moderator Diane Robinson, principal court research associate, NCSC

To register for the webinar, visit www.ncsc.org and click on “webinars.”

‘Membership Maximizer’ offered by OCBA, Feb. 13

The Oakland County Bar Association will host a “Membership Maximizer” on Thursday, February 13, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the OCBA offices, 1760 S. Telegraph Rd., Suite 100, in Bloomfield Hills.

Staff members will provide a quick overview of how to energize engagement with the OCBA, hone skills, increase exposure for business, advocate for the profession, and give back to the community. There will be plenty of time to enjoy coffee and light morning refreshments while networking with fellow OCBA members.

This event is free to members and first-time guests. To register, visit www.ocba.org and click on “events.”  Anyone with questions may contact Katie Tillinger at 248-334-3400.

Women’s Bar Book Club to meet Feb. 3

The Women’s Bar Association (WBA), Oakland County region of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, will present its next Book Club online Monday, February 3, beginning at 6 p.m. via Zoom.

For the February meeting, the club will be discussing “A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking” by T. Kingfisher.

To register for this discussion and receive the Zoom link, email Janine.M.Plourde@gmail.com.

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