Legislation signed ensuring more efficient court systems for Michigan

Problem-solving courts will be more carefully regulated Nov. 13 by Gov. Rick Snyder.

“Problem-solving courts are a great way to ensure that our state’s residents are receiving the individualized help that they may need,” Snyder said. “These bills will help our state’s criminal justice system better serve all Michiganders.”

Senate Bills 435, 437, and 438, sponsored by state Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker, establish a certification of drug, sobriety, mental health and veteran’s treatment courts. The bills also align problem-solving courts’ definition of “violent offender” and allow the transfer of jurisdiction from one court to another for the defendant’s participation in a problem-solving court. 

Senate Bill 436, also sponsored by Sen. Schuitmaker, allows individuals with an ignition interlock device to pick up and drop off their children from school or a daycare facility. The bills are now Public Acts 161-164 of 2017.


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