ABA book offers advice on writing dynamic resumes and cover letters for a career in public interest law

 A new book from the American Bar Association, “Advice to Thrive By: How to Use Your Résumé and Cover Letter to Build Your Brand and Launch a Dynamic Public Interest Career,” demystifies career trajectories for law students and young attorneys pursuing careers in the public interest. It provides accessible tips for crafting impactful resumes and cover letters and outlines a professional development strategy to employ using those materials.

Early in a legal career is the perfect opportunity to gain global competencies and develop expertise while engaging in strategic career planning. However, much available career advice for law students and young attorneys is overly focused on private practice despite growing representation of public interest attorneys in the legal field. 

This book fills a void in the professional development of law students and young attorneys interested in public interest lawyering. Using common application materials – the resume and cover letter – this book equips them with a straightforward, mission-driven professional development strategy to craft impactful materials, build their skills, hone their professional branding and ensure that they are competitive and prepared for career opportunities serving the public interest.

“Advice to Thrive By: How to Use Your Résumé and Cover Letter to Build Your Brand and Launch a Dynamic Public Interest Career” is available as a paperback and eBook for $49.95.  To order, visit www.shopaba.org.