
    July 07, 2015


    1. Curtains
    2. The memory of Detroit and beyond
    3. 'Stunning' number of extreme drug doses by doc, expert says
    4. Daily Briefs . . .
    5. 'Trial' run


    1. Farm use of drones to take off as feds loosen restrictions
    2. No more 'roar' as famed trading pits come to an end
    3. Standoff over social media passwords breaks new legal ground
    4. Don't twist that Oreo: Cookie gets skinny, 'sophisticated'
    5. When will rates rise?
    6. Agriculture Farm use of drones to take off as feds loosen restrictions
    7. A Legal Odyssey Wins, setbacks mark the path to nationwide same-sex marriage The high court's first brush with same-sex marriage in 1972 was brief and desultory
    8. Wall Street No more 'roar' as famed trading pits come to an end
    9. Technology Standoff over social media passwords breaks new legal ground
    10. Food Don't twist that Oreo: Cookie gets skinny, 'sophisticated'
    11. The IRAC formula -- resistance is futile
    12. South Carolina Blacks torn between anger, mercy for Charleston shooter
    13. Prioritizing wants versus needs in a small practice
    14. National Roundup
    15. Connecticut To rename or not? Institutions reconsider honors for racists Campaigns around the country look to change names of lakes, streets and fundraisers
    16. Colorado Fraying family ties cut to heart of theater gunman's defense
    17. Battle Creek After 66 years, Michigan siblings find each other Woman says she feels a sense of closure after years of searching
    18. Escanaba Gallery's exhibit industrializes the arts
    19. Grand Rapids Ill children to get safe place to play in healing center Young architect and cancer survivor led effort
    20. National LGBT Bar Association names 'Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40' for 2015
    21. 'Trial' run Family law attorney spearheads the WAJ
    22. Curtains The aftermath of vote to end Michigan's film tax incentives
    23. 'Stunning' number of extreme drug doses by doc, expert says
    24. The memory of Detroit and beyond Lawyer spent a lifetime collecting documents of Detroit's history
    25. Presidential Politics 2016 Cruz, Huckabee competing for evangelical votes Candidates warn the United States is on a perilous spiritual path
    26. Politics and Television Who will make us laugh during upcoming presidential campaign


    1. When will rates rise?
    2. The IRAC formula - resistance is futile
    3. Prioritizing wants versus needs in a small practice


    1. Wins, setbacks mark the path to nationwide same-sex marriage


    1. Cruz, Huckabee competing for evangelical votes
    2. Who will make us laugh during upcoming presidential campaign
    3. Blacks torn between anger, mercy for Charleston shooter
    4. To rename or not? Institutions reconsider honors for racists
    5. Fraying family ties cut to heart of theater gunman's defense
    6. National Roundup
    7. National LGBT Bar Association names 'Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40' for 2015


    1. After 66 years, Michigan siblings find each other
    2. Ill children to get safe place to play in healing center
    3. Gallery's exhibit industrializes the arts
    4. Ill children to get safe place to play in healing center