
    April 21, 2020


    1. Is your financial adviser really helping you?
    2. How COVID-19 payment accommodations may affect your credit
    3. Coronavirus accelerates decline of slumping coal industry
    4. 10 years after BP spill: Oil drilled deeper; rules relaxed
    5. South Carolina Judge's decades-old gavel becomes friends' shared connection
    6. Doctors facing grim choice over ventilators told to put patients with disabilities at the back of the line


    1. Ethical concerns for attorneys facing a pandemic
    2. Racial toll of virus grows even starker as more data emerges
    3. Doctors facing grim choice over ventilators told to put patients with disabilities at the back of the line


    1. Church denied bid to block gathering restrictions
    2. Judge doubts COVID-19 rule, blocks it for 2 churches
    3. New ACLU report: Despite marijuana legalization black people still almost four times more likely to get arrested
    4. U.S. Supreme Court Notebook
    5. Judge's decades-old gavel becomes friends' shared connection


    1. National Roundup
    2. Anti-Asian 'Zoombombing' of woman's cooking class shows troubling trend
    3. Losing Face: The rise of the mask, and what is lost behind it


    1. COVID-19 highlights gap in Michigan's broadband internet access
    2. Treasury issues guidance about new tax deadlines for individuals, businesses


    1. Transnational Fellow: Detroit Law student displays a passion for human rights
    2. Counselor's Corner: Anxiety, isolation and the embrace of now
    3. Is a furlough a kinder, gentler lay-off? Yes and no, says Nemeth Law labor and employment attorney
    4. Daily Briefs
    5. Federal judge delays filing deadline for Michigan candidates