
    April 12, 2022


    2. MY TURN: Refund checks would be better spent elsewhere
    3. Michigan Supreme Court cases: Is tort liability on the brink of change?
    4. COMMENTARY: What does it take to be important in America?
    5. THE COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Repetitio mater studiorum - Repetition is the mother of studies


    1. Report reveals significant numbers of young lawyers want to leave current job
    2. ABA supports independent immigration court system


    1. Law school to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its Innocence Project
    2. Attorney to examine 'Intellectual Property & First Amendment'
    3. Winners of Jaffe Transactional Law Invitational announced
    4. Judge provides 'Perspectives on Criminal Law, Procedure'
    5. Levin Center releases recommendations to safeguard trillions in taxpayer dollars
    6. Section to conduct 2022 Annual Summit online
    7. Training discusses 'Reluctant and Recanting DV Victims'
    8. Cannabis Law Section to conduct 'Spring Training'
    9. Law schools partner for competition


    1. Law firm's new virtual program addresses legal strategies for Michigan women business leaders
    2. Justice Department continues efforts to stop fraudulent tax preparers as deadline approaches


    1. Litigation vocation: Attorney returns to private practice after 16 years as in-house counsel
    2. State of Michigan adopts Uniform Bar Exam
    3. Debut: Documentary on Detroit bankruptcy in spotlight at film festival
    4. Law student honored with Wanda Nash Award from SBM Animal Law Section
    5. 77th Annual Banquet planned by MAJ for May 7 at Ford Field