Daily Briefs

Nominees sought for Miller Family Wayne Law Alumni Wall of Fame

Wayne State University Law School is seeking nominations for the Miller Family Wayne Law Alumni Wall of Fame.

Nominations will be accepted until Monday, Oct. 31. Those chosen by the selection committee will be inducted in spring 2017 at the law school’s annual Treasure of Detroit event.

Candidates must have earned a law degree from Wayne Law no less than 10 years prior to consideration, have served at Wayne Law for no less than 20 years prior to consideration or served as dean no less than 10 years prior to consideration. Complete guidelines, criteria and an online form to make a nomination are available at law.wayne.edu/walloffame.

For more information, contact Duc Abrahamson, alumni relations officer, at 313-577-6199 or duc.abrahamson@wayne.edu.


State board: Lawyer with anti-gay rants committed misconduct

DETROIT (AP) — The Michigan Attorney Discipline Board says a former state lawyer committed misconduct when he hounded a gay student leader at the University of Michigan.

Andrew Shirvell was an assistant attorney general when he was fired in 2010. He had criticized Christopher Armstrong on an anti-gay blog, in Facebook posts and during visits to the Ann Arbor campus.

Shirvell said he was exercising free-speech rights. A jury later awarded $4.5 million to Armstrong.

A three-member panel at the Attorney Discipline Board says Shirvell also committed misconduct with a frivolous lawsuit against Armstrong’s attorney, Deborah Gordon.

The report was filed Tuesday, months after a hearing. Shirvell lives outside the state but still holds a Michigan law license. The case next will turn to a penalty phase.


Appeals court rules apartment limit on adults not illegal

AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP) — The Michigan appeals court says an Oakland County apartment complex isn't violating state law by limiting the number of adults in each unit.

Countryside Townhouses in Auburn Hills allows only two adults per apartment unless a child turns 18. The owners say it promotes tranquility, reduces parking congestion and minimizes damage.
The state Civil Rights Commission stepped in when a woman said she couldn't get an apartment with two adult children. The commission said the policy was discriminatory based on age.

But an Oakland County judge — and now the appeals court — disagreed.

The court says the restriction applies to all adults, regardless of age. The court notes that Barbara Smith and her daughters still could have rented two apartments. The 3-0 opinion was released Wednesday.

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