Happening this Week

• State Bar of Michigan Information Technology Section:
Annual Information Technology Seminar and Annual Meeting
September 12

The State Bar of Michigan Information Technology Law Section will hold the 12th Annual Information Technology Seminar and Annual Meeting from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday, September 12 at The Inn at St. John’s, 44045 5 Mile Rd. in Plymouth. Join colleagues for this educational and entertaining event, which includes the seminar, breakfast, lunch and a networking reception following the seminar. Robert Rothman, Privacy Associates International LLC will moderate. Topics include:  How to Have a Strong CIO-Attorney Relationship; Liability Limits and Indemnities — Practical and Tactical Perspectives; Big Data Analytics; Negotiating Security Addenda; Cyber Security Governance and Best Practices; and a panel discussion “You’ve Got Ransomware or Other Cyber Security Nightmares.” Event sponsors include Dykema and Privacy Associates International LLC. The cost to attend is $75 for section members (free for student section members), $20 for student non-members, and $125 for non-members. Limited onsite registration available for a $30 fee in addition to seminar cost. There is no cost to attend the Annual Meeting only. In addition to the Annual Meeting, council meetings will be held during the luncheon and will include election of the 2019–2020 council members and section officers. Register by September 9 online at https://www.michbar.org/ or by using mail form found online.

• Michigan Defense Trial Counsel:
MDTC 23rd Annual Open Golf Tournament
September 13

The Michigan Defense Trial Counsel 23rd Annual Open Golf Tournament will be held from 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday, September 13 at the Mystic Creek Golf Club and Banquet Center, 1 Champions Circle in Milford. Bring a client, a judge, or a guest (judges attend for free). No guarantees to golf with a judge unless you bring the judge. Singles and pairings are on a first come basis. Encourage vendors to bring lawyers as their guests. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and the modified scramble format shotgun start is at 11 a.m. The cost for golfers is $165 per person if registered by August 30. After August 30, the cost is $185 per lawyer and $205 per vendor. Dinner will start at approximately 5 p.m., and a dinner only option is available for $50 per person. Payment must be received on or before the day of golf. Find Eventbrite registration link at https:// www.mdtc.org. For more information contact MDTC at (517) 627-3745.

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