Daily Briefs

Miller Canfield opens new office in Qatar

Miller Canfield announced Wednesday the opening of an office in Doha, Qatar, by way of the Qatar Financial Centre, which has issued a license to Miller Canfield International, PLLC - QFC Branch to conduct a range of advisory and legal services.

The Qatar office will be seamlessly integrated with its offices in Michigan, Washington, D.C., and Chicago to provide a platform for clients, including U.S. defense contractors and mid-market companies in the defense, cybersecurity and aerospace industries, to engage in business in both Qatar and the United States.

“Adding an office in Doha is key to helping our clients capitalize on the rapidly expanding defense technology business,” the firm said in a statement. “Our diverse operational structure, which includes services provided by Miller Canfield Consulting, enables us to guide our defense sector clients through the legal, practical and political complexities involved in engaging with their governmental clients.”

Miller Canfield’s Qatar team offers clients consultancy, legal and advisory services. The attorneys who will work on Qatar matters have years of experience living and working in Qatar and have advised on some of the largest transactions between Qatar and the United States in the defense sector. Miller Canfield will continue to offer assistance to clients engaged in business with the Qatar Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior and the private sector in industries including aerospace, defense and cybersecurity.

Miller Canfield’s Qatar practice is led by Pawel Chudzicki, who spent more than five years in Doha building up the operations of a global law firm and was recognized by Chambers and Partners in 2019 as a leading Qatar expert based abroad; and Lana Yaghi, who spent three years in Qatar. They will share their time between the Doha and Washington, D.C., offices.

Chudzicki and Yaghi have a solid track record of representing U.S. clients in the defense and cybersecurity sectors engaged in business in Qatar, a strong ally of the United States and an important market for the U.S. manufacturing and service sectors. Their deep understanding of Qatar’s regulatory, commercial, financial and cultural landscape makes them uniquely qualified to advise private and public sector entities engaging in cross-border transactions between the U.S. and Qatar.

Chudzicki and Yaghi have vast experience helping clients interact with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce State, the Qatar Financial Center, Qatar Science and Technology Park, the Ministry of Labor and other ministries and agencies. Miller Canfield’s lawyers have advised clients on the entire corporate lifecycle, including entity formation and dissolution, labor law issues, commercial transactions, corporate governance, procurement and tender requirements, privacy issues, anti-bribery laws.

Together with Miller Canfield’s international offices in Shanghai, China; Monterrey, Mexico; Windsor, Ontario, Canada; and Warsaw, Gdynia and Wroclaw in Poland; and the newest office in Qatar, the firm provides cross-border business and legal advice to U.S. and international clients with business interests around the globe.

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