Happening this Week

• OCBA Seminar: ‘Keys to an Effective Preliminary Exam’
March 12

Register for the Oakland County Bar Association Seminar, “Keys to an Effective Preliminary Exam,” to be held from 9-11 a.m. Thursday, March 12 at OCBA Offices, 1760 S. Telegraph Rd., Ste. 100 in Bloomfield Hills. Learn how to prepare yourself and your client for a preliminary examination. The cost to attend (pre-registered) is $40 for members; $30 for OCBA new lawyers, paralegals, and students; and $60 for non-members. Register online at www.ocba.org. The cost to attend with on-site registration is $50 for members; $40 for OCBA new lawyers, paralegals, and students; and $75 for non-members. 

• Detroit Mercy Law Alumni Association Erin Go Law
Networking Reception
March 12

Meet and connect with fellow members of the legal community at the Detroit Mercy Law Alumni Association Erin Go Law Networking Reception to be held from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, March 12 at University of Detroit Mercy School of Law Atrium, 651 E. Jefferson Ave. in Detroit. Celebrate the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day while enjoying an evening of Irish brew, delicious hors d’oeuvres, and great conversation. This event is free to attend and an RSVP is requested. Find link to registration at https://lawschool.udmercy.edu/. For more information contact April Ellison at ellisoal@udmercy.edu or at (313) 596-0202.

• FBA 2020 Sustaining and Executive Affiliate Member Appreciation Event
March 12

The Federal Bar Association Eastern District of Michigan 2020 Sustaining and Executive Affiliate Member Appreciation Event will be held from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, March 12 at Miller Canfield, 150 W. Jefferson in Detroit. This event is in appreciation for the vast support provided to the FBA Eastern District of Michigan and is for the chapter’s sustaining and executive affiliate members only (sponsored by the chapter and generously sponsored by Miller Canfield). This is a free event for said members (cost for all others is $200). Members who plan on attending must register for the event at https://fbamich.org/.


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