Get to Know Denise Hirschmann

Denise Hirschmann is a lawyer who started as a substance abuse counselor and then probation officer as she worked full time and went to law school full time.

A graduate of Michigan State University with undergraduate studies in pre-law and psychology, she earned her law degree from MSU College of Law.

A current member of the Michigan Bar Association, and the Macomb Bar Association, she is a past board member of the Women Lawyers Association of Macomb County and current member of the Optimist Club. She is on the board for MSU College of Law and is a current member of WLAM of Macomb County.

She has been a magistrate, has worked prosecuting cases through Shelby Township, and now does criminal defense work in both juvenile and adult court—both misdemeanors and felonies and CPS defense.  Most of her practice focuses on family law issues.

A resident of Macomb County Hirschmann works in Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair, Lapeer and Wayne counties. She works with families who are dealing with issues surrounding divorce, paternity, change in domicile, parenting time, child support and guardianships, as well as prenuptial agreements and other issues involving evolving families.

By Jo Mathis
Legal News

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Family vacations.

Favorite podcast: Freedom Christians sermons.

When you feel overwhelmed, what do you do? Work out, meditate, run and or talk through and pray.

Favorite stamp on your passport: London.

When you look back into the past, what do you miss most? My dad.

If you could have witnessed any event in history, what would it be? The building of Mt. Rushmore.

What were you doing in your last selfie? Posing with my adult kids.

What book has most impacted your life? The Bible.

Can you think of a failure that ultimately became a positive?
Every loss, every slammed door, every change.

What’s something you changed your mind about recently? Hearing a statement that someone made about another that showed their pain and not their arrogance.

What is one thing you would like to learn to do? Sail.

What is the best advice you ever received? Embrace life!

What purchase of $50 or less has most positively affected your life? The purchase of my walking cross. Fits in my hand and secures me.

Favorite local hangouts:
J. Baldwin’s Restaurant, local Metro-parks, Detroit Institute of Art and the zoo.

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