At a Glance ...

Annual St. Patrick’s Day brunch set for March 10

The Incorporated Society of Irish American Lawyers will host the 23rd Annual ISIAL St. Patrick’s Day Parade Brunch on Sunday, March 10, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Mario’s Restaurant, 4222 Second Avenue in Detroit.

The event will feature Irish music presented by Cahill & Murphy, as well as snappy commentary from co-MCs Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Mike Riordan, Wayne County 31st District Court Judge Alexis Krot, and attorney Fred Lauck.

Lawyers, judges, elected leaders, and dignitaries from the Detroit Irish-American community are expected to attend.  The event will also feature the annual raffle for the ISIAL scholarship fund.

Tickets must be purchased in advance by Friday, March 8. The cost is $30 for ISIAL members, $35 for non-members, $10 for children and $25 for law students. 

Adult brunches will be $40 at the door without advance reservation.

Tickets can be purchased via the ISIAL’s Upcoming Events webpage to pay by PayPal or download the reservation form and mail a completed form and check to: ISIAL, Attn: President, c/o 38777 Six Mile Road, Suite 300, Livonia MI 48152.

State AG asked to review GOP changes to wage, sick day laws

LANSING (AP) — Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has been asked to review the constitutionality of Republican-backed moves to significantly scale back minimum wage and paid sick day laws in the recent lame-duck session.

The Democrat said Wednesday she will carefully evaluate the request from Democratic Sen. Stephanie Chang of Detroit.

Nessel's potential opinion would bind state agencies unless it was reversed by a court.

The minimum wage increase and sick time requirements are due to take effect in late March.

To prevent more generous wage and sick leave measures from going to the electorate, after which they would have been much harder to change if voters had passed them, Republicans legislators preemptively approved them in September so that they could scaled them back after the election with simple majority votes.

College student finds man in closet wearing her clothes

GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina college student says she found a man in her closet wearing her clothes.

Greensboro police spokesman Ron Glenn told news outlets the unidentified student at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro came home at lunch recently and heard a noise in her closet in her off-campus apartment.

The student opened the closet door to find the man sitting on the floor in her clothing with a bag full of clothes, shoes and socks.

She said she talked to the man for about 10 minutes and texted photos to her boyfriend, who arrived and asked the man to leave.

Glenn said the man wasn't violent and doesn't believe he and the student know one another.

Police charged 30-year-old Andrew Clyde Swofford with misdemeanor breaking and entering.

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