Holiday Gala hosted by OCBA, December 2

The Oakland County Bar Association will host its Holiday Gala on Thursday, December 2, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Townsend Hotel, 100 Townsend St. in Birmingham,

The premier OCBA social event of the holidays offers an evening of elegance, building friendships, and celebrating the season with festive music, plentiful hors d'oeuvres, and an open bar.

Cost for the gala is $110 for OCBA members; $85 for OCBA new lawyers (P80650+), paralegals, and law students; and $120 for non-members. There will be an additional $50 charge for those who register at the door. To register online, visit and click on "Events."

Participants are asked to follow the OCBA's Off-Site Event Policy. Per current CDC recommendations, attendees are encouraged to wear masks inside the building except for when actively eating and drinking. Attendees and staff should adhere to any additional restrictions required by the venue. Those restrictions will be shared with attendees prior to the event. All visitors should review the screening questions listed in the off-site event policy within 24 hours of the event and should not attend if they answer yes to any of the screening questions.

Anyone with questions should contact Michelle Kryska at 248-334-3400.