Local attorney runs for State Representative in Michigan's 77th House District

Attorney Logan Byrne is running for State Representative in Michigan’s 77th House District, which includes Lansing, Grand Ledge, and a significant portion of Clinton County.

An alumnus of Michigan State University College of Law and Eastern Michigan University, Byrne works as a judicial law clerk in the 30th Judicial Circuit Court for Judge Rosemarie Aquilina. He also clerks part-time in the 7th Judicial Circuit Court for Judge Elizabeth Kelly, where he assists with the Felony Flint Water criminal cases. He is also a member of the Clinton County Zoning Board of Appeals.

With extensive nonprofit experience, primarily in immigration law, Byrne hopes to carry his passion for advocacy into the legislature; and hopes his grassroots campaign will encourage more young professionals to run for public office. 

Byrne’s key priorities include: building a stronger economy; prioritizing working families; supporting education; and protecting voting rights.