Drug court management training offered online

The Michigan Judicial Institute and Problem-Solving Courts (PSC) will conduct two webinars on managing drug courts Wednesday, March 8, via Zoom.

The “Drug Court Case Management Information Systems — General Training” virtual program will take place from 8:30 a.m. to noon on March 8.

The DCCMIS General training is designed as an introductory training for anyone who enters data for a problem-solving court or Swift and Sure Sanctions—from the initial screening process to discharge from the program.

The “Drug Court Management Information System — Administration Training” virtual program will take place from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on March 8.

The DCCMIS Administrator Training is designed as an introductory training for anyone who enters data for a drug, sobriety, hybrid, family dependency, juvenile, veterans treatment court, mental health court, or Swift and Sure Sanctions Probation Program. The training will focus on administrative tools, reports, and how to use shortcuts, including bulk tasks.

For registration information, contact PSC@courts.mi.gov. Once a registration is approved, attendees will receive a confirmation e-mail with the Zoom credentials, to join the webinar.