Webinar looks at 'eye tests' in impaired driving cases

The Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan will present the Traffic Safety Training Program webinar “How Do ‘Eye Tests’ in 3-5 minutes Relate to Detecting Possible Impairment Related to Driving?” on Wednesday, June 28, from noon to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Law enforcement utilizes a battery of tests to assist in identifying impairment in the skills necessary for safe driving, including a set of selective “eye tests” (e.g., the HGN test, pupil sizes/responses, and lack of convergence).

This webinar will provide an overview of the role of eye movements, convergence, and pupillary changes in detecting alcohol and drug impairment. The following topics will be explored:

• What visual abilities are required for safe driving?

• How are “eye tests” used for the detection of alcohol and /or drug impairment and what is their relationship to driving?

• How do eye movements work?

• How do drugs and alcohol affect eye movements?

• What is Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and what are other types of nystagmus?

• How does the brain control eye movements?

• How do pupils function under different light conditions?

• What is unique in the DRE protocols for testing pupils? How are pupil functions affected by drugs?

• How does convergence of the eyes work and how do drugs affect it?

• How do changes in “eye tests” relate to impairment in the nervous system?

The training webinar will be presented by Dr. Jack Richman, New England College of Optometry.

To register for this free webinar, visit https://michiganprosecutor.org and click on “training.” Attendees will receive a confirmation email from Zoom with instructions on how to join the webinar. Handouts, if any, will be made available the day of each webinar.

Anyone with questions or in need of any assistance registering for the webinar should contact Amy Gronowski at gronowskia@michigan.gov or at 517-643-2114.