Daily Briefs

Volunteers gather to fight suicide

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, yet suicide can be prevented. Local volunteers are joining the thousands of people who are gathering in towns across the United States to promote suicide prevention. The annual Oakland/Rochester/Macomb Out of the Darkness Community Walk, hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Michigan Chapter will be held on Sunday, September 10, 11 a.m. at Stony Creek Metropark, Eastwood Beach.

The gathering will support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s education, research and survivor support programs. In addition to raising awareness and funds to fight suicide, the walks give those who need a chance to connect with others and know they are not alone, whether they walk in memory or in support of a loved one or in honor of their own mental health journey.

“Suicide touches one in five American families. We hope that by connecting with one another, we will draw attention to this issue and keep other families from experiencing a suicide loss. Our ultimate goal is to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide,” said Lisa Matway, board chair for AFSP Michigan. The Oakland/Rochester/Macomb Out of the Darkness Community Walk is one of hundreds of events being held nationwide this year.  

“This year we want people to join us in walking to create a world without suicide,” said AFSP CEO Robert Gebbia. “By walking you are helping us make progress through research, advocacy, education and support to those affected by suicide. And you are improving our understanding of mental health, and how to be there for each other when someone is struggling. I’m in awe of our courageous volunteers who are lifting their voices to inform local and national leaders of the support needed to reduce suicide and save lives.”   

To donate or join this event, visit afsp.org/rochestermi.


‘Juvenile Expungements’ focus of SADO webinar Sept. 21

The Youth Defense Project of the State Appellate Defender Office and Michigan Appellate Assigned Counsel System will conduct the webinar “Juvenile Expungements” presented by Katie Louras on Thursday, September 21, beginning at noon via Zoom.  

With the new automatic expungement law, there is a lot of confusion about how youth will be impacted and what will happen to juvenile adjudications. Louras, from the University of Michigan Juvenile Justice Clinic, will help shed light on what to expect in juvenile expungements.

To register for the online training, visit www.sado.org/go/juvexpung.  Anyone with questions may contact Josh Pease at jpease@sado.org.


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