Charging decisions in CSC cases explored online January 26

The Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan (PAAM) Violence Against Women Project (VAWP)  and Child Abuse Prosecution Resources (CAPR) presents the online workshop  “Charging Decisions in Criminal Sexual Conduct Cases” on Friday, January 26, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Charging sexual assault cases can be challenging and nuanced. This is due to the structure of the statute, nature of the  relationships, age of the victim, other aggravating circumstances, underlying felonies, delay in reporting, statute of limitations, lesser offenses, etc.  All of these factors need to be considered when reviewing warrants and making charging determinations.  Workshop participants will be challenged to think about appropriate charging and how it affects the prosecution of the case, from exam to sentencing.  

This training satisfies 3 hours of continuing legal education for purposes of PAAM’s Best Practices Recommendations.  

To register for this prosecutors only workshop, visit and click on “training.” For additional questions, contact training coordinator Katlyn Bolan at