Society presents Lenten Evening of Reflection

The Catholic Lawyers Society of Detroit (CLS) hosted its Annual Lenten Evening of Reflection on Thursday, March 4, at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Among those enjoying the evening were (left to right) Lawrence Paolucci of Wayne County Probate Court, CLS recording secretary and board member; Saint Clair Shores attorney Patti Galvin, CLS vice president; Dr. Eduardo Echeverria, a well-known author and professor of Philosophy at the Graduate School of Theology at Sacred Heart who spoke on "Redeeming Law: Christian discipleship and the Legal Profession;" Joseph McGill of Foley, Baron, & Metzger PLLC, CLS president; Matthew Dawson, law clerk to Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Christopher Murray; and Grosse Pointe Shores attorney Ed Brady, CLS board member. Photo by John Meiu.

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