Women in the Judiciary: Local judges featured at Alumni Speaker Series

– Photo by John Meiu

“Women in the Judiciary” was the topic of the Thursday, March 12, installment of Wayne State University Law School’s Alumni Speaker Series. Alumnae, all judges, shared their expertise at the free luncheon event at the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights in Detroit. Taking part in the program were (left to right) moderator Marilyn Kelly, retired Michigan Supreme Court justice and distinguished jurist in residence at Wayne Law, class of 1971; Oakland County Circuit Court Chief Judge Nanci Grant, class of 1989; Wayne County 36th District Court Judge Donna Robinson Milhouse, class of 1984; Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Mary Ellen Brennan, class of 1990; and Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Megan Maher Brennan, class of 1987. The Alumni Speaker Series is a part of Wayne Law’s efforts to link alumni with students and build professional connections.

By Steve Thorpe
Legal News

Four experienced jurists all agreed on one particular piece of advice for law students: learn to write.

Wayne State University Law School presented “Women in the Judiciary” as part of its continuing Alumni Speaker Series at the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights on Thursday, March 12.

The judges talked about their experiences on the bench and the path they took to get there after law school. They also praised their alma mater for the preparation it gave them.

The panelists, all Wayne Law grads, were Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Mary Ellen Brennan, class of 1990; Wayne County Circut Court Judge Megan Maher Brennan, class of 1987; Oakland County Circuirt Court Chief Judge Nanci Grant, class of 1989; and Wayne County 36th District Court Judge Donna Milhouse, class of 1984.

The moderator was retired Michigan Supreme Court Justice Marilyn Kelly, class of 1971, who is currently serving as Distinguished Jurist in Residence at the school.

 Kelly praised the panelists and said that the students at the event had an opportunity to learn from some very special judges.

“I can tell you from personal experience that you have before you four wonderful women judges, who set a terrific example of the ethics and quality that we need in our judges throughout the state,” she said.

Grant talked about the seismic gender shift on the bench during her career. She said that when she first ran, it was unusual for a woman to be running for judge.

“It’s really changed,” Grant said. “When I joined the bench, I was one of three women on my 18-member court. Yesterday we had a judges meeting. There are now three men on the court. “

Grant also stressed the importance of community involvement.

“Don’t just go to school and do your work and then go home. I was married with two kids and very busy. You have to be involved in your community. If you don’t do that, you’re not a whole person.”

The judges took the opportunity to praise their former teachers and the school.

“I learned ‘Evidence’ from Professor Ralph Slovenko,” said Mary Ellen Brennan. “There has not been a day in the 25 years of my work life that I don’t use something that he taught me.“

Several of the judges talked about the importance of timing in their careers.

“I ran for judge in 2004 and lost,” said Mary Ellen Brennan. “That was a good thing. I wasn’t ready to be a judge, my family wasn’t ready for me to be a judge, and the timing wasn’t right. I ran again in 2008 and was elected.”

Megan Brennan pointed out to the students that they can be learning about the law even when they’re not at the school.

“I knew in high school that I wanted to be a lawyer,” she said. “When I went to Wayne Law, I was a night student. While I was in school, I worked at the Michigan Court of Appeals as a librarian, so I had a great experience with attorneys at the appellate level. It was a wonderful job for a law student.”

Milhouse pointed out that support from an early employer can really make a difference for female law grads.

“I had my two children while I was at the law firm now called Clark Hill,” she said. “The firm was really understanding. I think I was only the second woman to have children there while I was still practicing.”
Milhouse liked being an attorney, but was eager to make the switch to the bench.

“I love being an advocate, but I really love being that neutral on the bench,” she said. “Being a judge was a perfect fit for me because I like being able to get people to agree. I’m doing mostly civil docket now. I leave it to the attorneys to be the advocates, and then I suggest ‘Go out in the hallway one more time and see if you can resolve that.’ It works.”

Kelly seconded Milhouse’s point about the difference between an advocate and a judge.

“I have seen judges take the bench who were wonderful advocates, and they got on the bench and they were terrible,” she said. “They couldn’t adjust to sitting back, giving up the advocacy role and taking up the task of listening. If like Judge Milhouse, and me too, what you like is hearing both sides and then making a decision on the law, then maybe being a judge is for you.”

Writing was a skill that came up repeatedly as the judges talked about preparation for a legal career, including that step to the bench.

“Legal writing is extremely important,” Milhouse said. “If you can develop that skill, it will serve you well.”

Megan Brennan concurred in that opinion.

“The most important thing I learned was to write well,” she said. “I’m sorry to say that I can no longer remember the name of my first writing teacher here, but she was amazing. She ripped up my writing right from the get go. She taught me so much.”

And Grant pointed out that, even if a law grad doesn’t go on to practice, the skill can be invaluable.

“Whether you become a practicing attorney or not, good writing will be important to your career,” she said.

The other topic that the judges all chimed in on was the importance of integrity and professional courtesy.

When asked what attorneys do that bothers her the most, Mary Ellen Brennan didn’t hesitate to answer.

“Dishonesty. Dishonesty, dishonesty,” she said. “What attorneys don’t think about is that I’m going to remember. No motion is worth compromising your integrity in front of the judge. Reputation is so important. Your handshake has to mean something.”

Grant wholeheartedly agreed.

“We’re all saying the same thing,” she said. “Ethics and professional courtesy. Because of the nature of my job, I swear in attorneys almost every week and hear the lawyer’s oath more often than most.

The last line says, ‘I will in all other respects conduct myself personally and professionally in conformity with the high standards of conduct imposed upon members of the bar as conditions for the privilege to practice law in this State.’ ... I take that seriously.”

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