Short Takes . . .

State representative’s offices host free legal outreach clinic, Feb. 3

Legal Aid and Defender Association Inc. (LAD) will conduct a free outreach clinic on civil legal services for income-eligible residents of Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties, including the city of Detroit, on Wednesday, Feb. 3, from 1:15 to 5 p.m. at the office of State Rep. Stephanie Chang and City Council member Raquel Castañeda-López, 1927 Rosa Parks Blvd., Suite 110, in Detroit.

Registration begins at 1 p.m., and space is limited.  Anyone seeking legal services can call 877-964-4700 or visit


Commissioner Bill Dwyer to seek 4th term

County Commissioner Bill Dwyer (R-Farmington Hills) is announcing his intention to seek a fourth term on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Prior to his election, Dwyer served for 23 years as Farmington Hills chief of police.

“I am eager to continue working for the people of the 14th District as their commissioner. I’m proud of my track record of bi-partisan action to tackle tough issues such as gun violence. We must keep Oakland County well positioned for the future with responsible balanced budgets, investment in our infrastructure and encouraging economic growth” said Dwyer.

Dwyer’s 49-year law enforcement service has been recognized as an asset on the board.  He is currently serving in his second term as chairman of the Public Services Committee of the Board of Commissioners.  This committee is charged with the oversight of many of the law enforcement functions of county government.   As chairman, Dwyer spearheaded a bi-partisan investigation into to the issue of gun violence in our community.  His committee’s activities tackling gun violence earned an award from the National Association of Counties in 2014.

“The public deserve elected leaders who can get beyond partisan bickering to get real results on the pressing issues we are facing. That’s always been my priority as a commissioner” stated Dwyer.

Dwyer represents the 14th District on the Oakland County Commission. The 14th District includes Farmington Hills (portion), the City of Farmington, Southfield Township, the Villlage of Beverly Hills, the Village of Bingham Farms, and the Village of Franklin.


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