Judge, BWLAM offer The People's Law School

Law school typically costs six figures in America, but Wayne County 36th District Court Judge Austin W. Garrett and members of the Black Women Lawyers Association of Michigan (BWLAM) are collaborating to bring a free forum, titled The People’s Law School, to citizens looking for knowledge and public education on various areas of the law affecting daily life. 

There will be a special bonus seminar called “What to Do When Stopped by the Police” presented by attorney Robyn L. McCoy of McCoy & Associates PLLC, who is also a co-sponsor of the event, taking place on Saturday, July 13, from 1 p.m. to 3.p.m. at Biblical Faith Ministry Center at 20118 Schoolcraft in Detroit, co-hosted by Pastor Myron Jenkins.

Light refreshments will be served.

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