Daily Briefs

 Chief Justice Roberts to speak at ABA annual meeting, August 11

Chief Justice of the United States John G. Roberts Jr. will be the keynote speaker at the American Bar Association House of Delegates meeting at 11 a.m. on Aug. 11 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. The session of the ABA’s policymaking body will conclude the 2014 ABA Annual Meeting.

Roberts will speak about the historical and present-day significance of the Magna Carta, which laid the groundwork for representative democracy and the rule of law upon its signing in June 1215. His appearance will officially kick off the commemorative activities by the ABA and others of the document’s 800th anniversary next year.
“The American Bar Association is honored by Chief Justice Roberts’ acceptance of our invitation to speak to the nation’s largest lawyers’ organization to mark this once-in-a-lifetime celebration,” ABA President James R. Silkenat said. “The Magna Carta inspired many of the basic constitutional rights we often take for granted, including trial by jury and due process. We are very pleased that the chief justice will help us mark this watershed occasion.”

DMBA seeks nominees for Outstanding Young Lawyers Awards

The DMBA Barristers Section is pleased to once again present the Outstanding Young Lawyers Awards. These awards will recognize the outstanding accomplishments of young attorneys who, despite being in the early stages of their career, have demonstrated great potential as future leaders of the legal community. 
Nominees for these awards must have been in practice for 10 years or fewer.  Recipients will be honored at the 27th Annual Summer Breeze and Law Clerk Party on July 17, 2014.
The Barristers President’s Award 
This award recognizes a young attorney whose early career has exhibited high standards of service to the profession, his or her clients, and the public.

The Barristers Pro Bono Award
This award is given to the young attorney who has made extraordinary accomplishments through their participation in pro bono activities.

The Community Impact Award
This award goes to a young attorney whose integrity, competence and accomplishments have significantly impacted the local community, or have had a demonstrable impact on the broader state or national landscape.

The “One to Watch” Award
The recipient of this award will be chosen based on outstanding professional accomplishments that demonstrate not only their legal acumen and talent, but also their potential for future professional growth and achievements.

Nominations for the Barristers Awards must be received by June 23rd, and must include the name of the nominee, as well as a brief statement explaining the basis for the nomination. Supporting documentation may also be attached.

For questions or to submit nominations, please email Mitzy Sharp Futro at msharpfutro@detroitlawyer.org or call 313-961-6120 x201.

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