State high court, SBM to mark Law Day

The Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center will observe Law Day today with featured tours, guest speakers, and related resources. While at the Learning Center, visitors from three local schools will experience a history play, a document lab with reproductions of Magna Carta, the U.S. Constitution and the Michigan constitution, a tour of exhibits highlighting rule of law and constitutional rights, and discussions led by members of the judiciary and other legal experts.

Events will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Michigan Hall of Justice in Lansing.

Law Day is a national celebration sponsored by the American Bar Association to honor the country’ heritage of liberty under law. The theme for Law Day is “Magna Carta: Symbol of Freedom Under Law” and honors the international legacy of this critically important document, which was sealed 800 years ago in England. Principles from Magna Carta inspired America’s Founders as they wrote the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and its principles appear in the Michigan Constitution in Article 1, Declaration of Rights.

The State Bar of Michigan is still accepting entries for its fourth annual Law Day creative contest.

Participants should submit a creative project illustrating the 2015 Law Day Theme, “Symbols of Freedom Under Law.” Examples of creative projects include essays, debates, mock trials, podcasts, dramatic or musical plays, re-enactments, short documentaries, board games, video games, and more. Electronic submissions are highly encouraged.

Winning projects will most effectively illuminate or dramatize the significance of the Law Day theme. View the winning entries from previous Law Day contests at

Cash prizes will be awarded. The $1,000 top prize will be awarded to one winner, up to two $750 second-tiered prizes will be awarded, and up to three $500 third-tiered prizes will be awarded. All winning submissions will be publicized for statewide recognition as Michigan Model Law Day projects.

Entries in the 2015 State Bar of Michigan Law Day creative contest are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 15, 2015. For more details about the contest rules and resources visit SBM Law Day at Direct additional questions about the Law Day contest to SBM Communications Manager Samantha Meinke at (517) 346-6332 or

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