An honest list of what lawyers are really thankful for

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. Sure, I love that we made friends with the Indians and stuff, but I also love that it's one holiday dedicated solely to eating! It's also the only time it's perfectly acceptable to unbutton your pants at dinner while you reach for your third (or fourth) roll. Sadly, it's over but the leftovers remain, so as I type this I'm full with stuffing, mashed potatoes and cornbread casserole. I'm taking carb-loading to a whole new level so forgive me if I doze off from a food coma. Zzzzzzzzzzzz......... This time of year always gets me thinking about what I'm thankful for and I like to make a list to make sure I'm appreciating what's really important in life. As lawyers we usually see the worst-case scenarios and are conditioned to see things from the worst possible angle. This can make us all a bit pessimistic about things, which is why it's good to take a moment in between bites of green bean casserole and make a list of what really matters. I'll wait while you do it, but to spark some ideas, I'm sharing my list with you. Here it goes. My Secretary I've written about my secretary the superhero before but I cannot emphasize enough how much I appreciate her and all she does for me. She's the man behind the curtain pulling all the strings and wiping the coffee off of my suit jacket. Without her I wouldn't look even the tiny bit put together that I do. Keeping me in line is a big task and I'm thankful for her. Post It Notes My memory is non-existent so Post It Notes are my way of remembering what I've already forgotten. From "Turn off the lights" to "This file sucks," Post It Notes keep me informed of what's going one. It's also no surprise that the majority of my beloved Post Its are lovingly placed where they are by my superhero secretary. Starbucks Drive-Thru This is a no-brainer. I am addicted to Starbucks. That's no secret. I hit up this joyous place nearly every day, and they take a significant portion of my salary each and every year. That's okay, as long as they make with the pumpkin spice latte. So I'm thankful not only for Starbucks but for the drive thru windows they now have in so many of their locations. I can't actually be expected to get out of my car and walk inside to order my 500 calorie drink, heavy on the whip. Pfft! Space Heaters For some reason my office is always sub-arctic temperatures and I'm naturally a cold person anyway. This combination makes for an unpleasant afternoon of icicles for hands. A space heater helps defrost my fingers every day so I can do the important check my fantasy football scores. A Big Desk Sure, it's nice because it allows me to work on several things at once, but I'm actually thankful for a big desk because it (1) hides the fact that I remove my shoes when I'm in the office and (2) that I have two space heaters running under my desk. Yes, two. I'm not even supposed to have one. Please don't report me to HR. Satellite Radio Sometimes my job takes me to corners of the country I didn't even know existed, and I have a hard enough time finding a Diet Coke, let alone a good music station. That's why my satellite radio is so important. When I (inevitably) get lost, at least I can rock out to Michael Jackson's "Beat It" while I try to find my way back to town. I probably could continue on listing other things I'm grateful for, but honestly, I think that stuffing I just ate is expanding in my stomach and I might actually explode. So I shall end it here and wish all of you a belated happy Thanksgiving! I also encourage you to make a list of what you're grateful for and thank those people if you can. But don't steal my list. Make your own, but definitely eat a turkey leg while you write it. ----- ©2015 Under Analysis, LLC. Under Analysis is a nationally syndicated column of The Levison Group. Lisa Henderson-Newlin is a member of the law firm McAnany Van Cleave and Phillips. Contact Under Analysis by email at Published: Fri, Dec 04, 2015