Cooley Alumni Association re-elects Griffin president

Patrick Griffin was re-elected the Cooley Law Alumni Association president for a second term and Lawrence J. Kish was presented the Distinguished Alumni Service Award during WMU-Cooley Law School’s Alumni Association annual meeting Nov. 4.

 Griffin, based in Philadelphia, is an associate of the Cantor Colburn firm. He practices intellectual property and patent application for electrical and computer patents, electronic commerce and telecommunications.

 Former Alumni Association President Charles Toy presented Kish with the Distinguished Alumni Service Award. Kish has had a long and distinguished career with the Life Insurance Association of Michigan. During his 24-year tenure, he has served as president and general counsel and was involved with every legislative initiative dealing with life insurance and annuities.

 Kish has been inducted into the Michigan Association Hall of Fame and the Michigan Insurance Hall of Fame. He has served the Olivet College Insurance Advisory Board since 1989 and is currently on the faculty.  Kish is a member of the Cooley Society, the school’s highest donor recognition society.

 The business meeting was conducted in the board room of Cooley Center in Lansing with a reception following. Alumni attended both in person and many on teleconference from all over the country for the business portion.

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