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State Supreme Court updates rules to curb pay-or-stay sentences

DETROIT (AP) — The Michigan Supreme Court has announced amendments to state rules aimed at keeping people from jail time because they can’t pay court fines or fees.

The Detroit News reports changes announced Wednesday take effect Sept. 1. The court says job status, available cash, basic living expenses and other special circumstances can be considered.

Earlier this year, a Detroit-area judge accused of sending poor people to jail if they couldn’t immediately pay fines agreed to end so-called pay-or-stay sentences after an American Civil Liberties Union challenge.

The ACLU of Michigan says there’s no dispute that sending someone to jail without checking ability to pay is unconstitutional. Nonetheless, it still has occurred in courts around the state.

The state’s high court earlier accepted public comment on proposed changes to strengthen the ban.


Nemeth Law presents  webinar on new overtime rules June 13

Detroit-based management side labor and employment law firm Nemeth Law, P.C., will present a webinar on new regulations that will extend overtime pay for an estimated 4.2 million employees across the country and increase wages by an estimated $12 billion over the next 10 years. The webinar, scheduled for June 13 from noon until 1:15 p.m., is offered as part of Nemeth Law’s Raising the Bar, an educational series raising employer awareness of current issues in employment and labor law.

On May 18, 2016, the U.S. Department of Labor changed salary requirements for workers to meet the white collar exemptions (executive, administrative and professional employees) under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The webinar will identify key changes in the regulations and help employers understand how the new regulations will affect their business. Topics will include:

• A review of the overtime requirements of the FLSA

• Exemptions under the FLSA and the regulatory tests for each

• The job duties test for the white-collar exemptions

• The new Department of Labor (DOL) test salary- what has changed and what hasn't

• Permissible and impermissible deductions

• Top worker misclassification issues

• The impact of the new regulations on an employer's workforce

There is no charge to attend, but registration is required.  Contact Amanda Galletti at 313-567-5921 or agalletti@nemethlawpc.com.


FBA to host seminar ‘ADR in Pro Bono Cases’

The FBA is sponsoring a seminar from 1-5 p.m. Tuesday, May 31 on Alternative Dispute Resolution in pro bono cases. This seminar, especially designed for newer lawyers, will cover special concerns for attorneys representing pro bono clients in the mediation process, focusing on preparing yourself for mediation and tips for negotiating the best settlement for your clients. It will be held in the Detroit Room of the Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse, 231 West Lafayette Blvd., Detroit.

For more information, contact John Sier at john.sier@kitch.com or Marty Reisig at mireisig@aol.com.

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