Daily Briefs

Supreme Court won’t take case prompted by Flint water crisis

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court has declined to take a case stemming from the 2014 water crisis in Flint, Michigan.

Approximately 25,000 people have sued over the crisis, in which a change in the source of the city’s water resulted in lead contamination.

The case the justices turned away without comment Tuesday involves a lawsuit against the city and water regulators, most of whom were responsible for making sure federal clean water laws were followed. The lawsuit claims the officials failed to protect residents from a foreseeable risk of harm from exposure to lead. The lawsuit and others like it claim that the public has a constitutional right to “bodily integrity” that was violated.

The city and officials have argued they should be immune from being sued, but lower courts have disagreed.

The lawsuit and others like it are expected to go forward in lower courts.


Nessel’s Child Support Unit projected to reach $300M in collections by March

LANSING – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced yesterday that the Department’s Child Support Unit is projected to hit a collection of $300 million in child support by March.

The collections of significant back child support have grown steadily since the inception of the Child Support Unit in 2003. Through prosecutions, the unit has collected the necessary financial support for 20,000 children their parents failed to provide.

Nessel took office in January 2019, and since then the unit has collected approximately $26 million in child support, which is an average of $2 million per month.

“Our office has an obligation to take action on behalf of Michigan’s children when one of their parents fails to meet their responsibilities,” Nessel said. “I am proud of our Child Support Unit and the work they do to ensure the kids we fight for are properly supported.”

Failing to pay child support is a felony in Michigan and these Criminal Failure-to-Pay Child Support cases are handled by the Attorney General’s Child Support Unit. Its goal is to ensure deadbeat parents financially support the families they’ve left behind and the department pursues parents across the nation to collect payments on Michigan-enforceable support orders. The Child Support Unit steps in on behalf of Michigan family when the noncustodial parents live outside the state or when cases are referred from the Friend of the Court. The largest single collection to date is $464,476, collected from a pediatric neurosurgeon in 2005.

Custodial parents who have experienced a history of non-payment and are owed significant back child support may file a complaint online with the Michigan Attorney General or call 517-335-7560.


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