Antitrust Section plans Virtual Fall Forum

The State Bar of Michigan’s Antitrust, Franchising, & Trade Regulation Section will conduct its free Virtual Fall Forum on Thursday, September 24, from 6 to 8 p.m.

For its third annual Fall Forum, the section is offering two programs to provide information on some of the latest developments in antitrust and franchise law during this unique time.

The forum’s schedule includes:

• 6 p.m. Fireside Chat with Michigan Assistant Attorney General Joseph Potchen, Chief of the Corporate Oversight Division and Chief of the Consumer Protection Bureau in the Office of the Michigan Attorney General. 

Potchen will join Section Chair Cody Rockey, of Dykema Gossett PLLC, to discuss recent enforcement efforts in the antitrust and consumer protection space.  Topics will include the Office of the Michigan Attorney General’s challenge to the T-Mobile/Sprint merger, its role as a plaintiff in a series of cases alleging price fixing of certain generic drugs, its efforts to protect consumers from price gouging during the ongoing global pandemic, and more.

• 7  p.m. Hot Topics in Franchise and Employment Law—Navigating The New Normal

Although everyone has felt the impact of the current global pandemic, it has raised unique issues for franchise networks, franchisors and franchisees, particularly with respect to employment matters. Section Vice Chair Brian Witus, of Saretsky, Hart, Michaels, & Gould, will lead a panel discussion with several experienced franchise and employment law attorneys addressing a myriad of questions, issues and challenges that have been posed by the coronavirus pandemic. The panel discussion will focus on real world experiences in navigating through these unchartered and ever-evolving waters and thoughts on best practices moving forward as everyone navigates the new normal.  The panel will include Helen E. R Mills of Fahey, Schultz, Burzych, Rhodes; Ronald A. Sollish of Maddin, Hauser, Roth, & Heller PC; and Moe Shrikian of Hungry Howies Pizza & Subs.

To register for the free forum, visit and click on “events.”