Latest developments in patent eligibilty to be explored in August 24 ABA?webinar

The American Bar Association will present a 90 minute patent eligibility webinar titled “Brave New World: Navigating the Very Latest Developments in Patent Eligibility Law in 2021” on Tuesday, Aug. 24.

Attendees will hear top experts on patent eligibility law describe the latest developments that attorneys need to be aware of. The group will propose a new strategy for repairing the gap in protection for inventions based on scientific discoveries—an approach geared toward the new Supreme Court.

They will also describe the strange return of the mental steps doctrine, a relic from the 1950s that has returned as an eligibility wild card; the issues that the Supreme Court’s expression of interest in the American Axle CVSG case may open up; and look at the new law of data displays and graphical user interfaces.

Speaking at the webinar will be Joseph Matal of Haynes and Boone LLP; Kelly Horn of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett, & Dunner LLP; and Kevin Noonan of McDonnell, Boehnen, Hulbert, & Berghoff LLP.

Cost for the webinar is $75 for ABA members and $100 for non-members. To register, visit and click on “events.”