ICBA's got talent!

 By Jo Mathis

Legal News
Every other year, the Ingham County Bar Association proves to the world—or whoever shows up on that particular night—that its members have talents not apparent in the courtroom or office.
Not only can they right wrongs, hold the guilty accountable, and save an innocent man from life behind bars, but these lawyers can belt out a song, tell a good joke and perform acrobatics with the best of them.
Sinas Dramis attorney Dan Moraniec wants to get more legal professionals in on the act when the Ingham County Bar Association holds its 4th Biennial Lawyers Got Talent Show on Thursday, Feb. 12 at the Crowne Plaza Lansing West.
“It’s a whole lot of fun, and you get to meet a lot of people,” said Moraniec, who is chairing the event.
Moraniec, 31, practices what he preaches. He is the drummer in the Sinas Dramis Law Firm Band, and a proud contestant in the talent show.
“Imagine the Village People,” said Moraniec, who wore a huge wig and 70’s threads.
The band’s version of the Bobby Fuller Four’s “I Fought the Law” is a crowd favorite.
There has already been a lot of interest in the two-hour program, which is preceded by cocktails, said Moraniec, who is eager to hear from other potential acts.
In past shows, the talent has included a law student performing cirque du soleil-type acrobatics, comedians, singers demonstrating a wide range of talent, and dog tricks performed by a slightly stage-struck canine.
“The general philosophy is, the more eccentric the better,” he said of the fundraiser, with the charity to be determined.
Moraniec also played in a “silly cover band” while attending Michigan State University, and says he has a great time performing with his fellow musicians, with or without an audience, with or without compensation.
 Moraniec, a lifetime East Lansing resident who  has spent the last three years at Sinas Dramis, is an active member of the ICBA.
“It’s fantastic,” he said of the ICBA, which he describes as large, but close-knit. “You’re missing the fun if you don’t join.”
To sign up for the show, call Moraniec at 517-394-7500 or email him at danmoraniec@sinasdramis.com. The deadline to sign up is Dec. 1.

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