Monday Profile: Lindsay Dangl

 Lindsay Dangl is originally from Clinton Township in metro Detroit.  She moved to Lansing to attend Michigan State University and received her undergraduate degree from James Madison College at MSU, and her Juris Doctor from the Michigan State University College of Law.  

Since January of 2008, Dangl has been employed by Murphy & Spagnuolo, P.C. where she focuses on civil litigation including business matters, contracts, municipal litigation, no fault defense, and workers’ compensation defense.
Dangl was formerly a board member of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan Mid-Michigan Region and is currently serving as president of the Ingham County Bar Association Young Lawyers Section. She is also an active volunteer with and member of the Junior League of Lansing.  Dangl enjoys running and other fitness activities, and Spartan sports. 
By Jo Mathis
Legal News
Currently reading …   “Focus” by Daniel Goleman.
What is your most treasured material possession?  My rings. Two are from my husband and the third was my grandmother’s.  
What advice do you have for someone considering law school?  Learn everything you can and work hard. It will pay off. 
Favorite local hangouts:  Reno’s East, Old Town, MSU, and the River Trail.
Favorite websites:, Facebook.
What is your happiest childhood memory?  Spending time with my family and my cousins. I was very fortunate to have a very close family and 25-plus cousins I grew up with like siblings.  
Which things do you not like to do?  I do not enjoy getting up in the morning or doing yard work.
What would surprise people about your job?  How much I travel.  I travel anywhere from 500 to 3,000 miles per month.
What has been your favorite year so far?  2014 has been a great year – MSU won the Rose Bowl, my daughter was born, and I have the privilege of being president of ICBA YLS.
If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would that be?  My sister. She works as a federal probation officer in Grand Rapids.  She has a very interesting job.
What’s the most awe-inspiring place you’ve ever been?  The Fjords in Alaska.  The blue of the glaciers and the jade color of  the water at Tracy Arm Fjord are beautiful. 
If you could have one super power, what would it be?  The ability to be in two places at once.
What would you say to your 16-year-old self?  “Chill out, life will work out like it is supposed to.”
What one thing do you wish people knew about your work?  That insurance cases are not boring.  They involves a lot of attention to detail and keep me on my toes.  
What’s your proudest moment as a lawyer?  Winning a directed verdict at the close of my opponent’s proofs.  It was very satisfying to win a case without having to present any evidence.
What do you to relax?  Go to the lake – any lake – and spend time on the water.
How would you describe your home?  A work in progress.  My husband and I love home improvement projects and are always renovating something.
If you were starting all over again and couldn’t go into law, what career path would you choose?  Probably nursing.  My mother and a lot of my close friends are nurses and I respect the profession.
What’s your biggest regret?  I try not to have any.
What word do you overuse?  “Actually.”
What’s one thing you would like to learn to do?  Fly a plane.
What is something most people don't know about you?  I like to garden and grow my own food.  I wish I had more time for it. Luckily this year the rain was good and made up for my inattention.
If you could have dinner with three people, living or dead, who would they be?  Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and President Obama. It would be an interesting dinner.
Can’t-live-without technology:  My cell phone. I’m not one to be tied to my electronics all the time, but it helps me fit everything I need to into my day.
What was the greatest compliment someone ever paid you?  That I am “pathologically incapable” of doing less than my best work.
What’s the best advice you ever received?  Listen to everyone around you.  You might not agree with their way of thinking, but you likely will learn something you did not know before.
What do you drive?  A Ford Explorer.
Favorite place to spend money:  I have a few: Tanger Outlets, specifically the Coach and Under Armour stores, and October Moon in Old Town.
Where would you like to be when you’re 90?  Traveling the world.   

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