Monday Profile: Shane Hilyard

Traveling from western New York to Michigan to complete the journey from bull rider to barrister, Shane Hilyard says he is now "living the dream." The 2013 graduate of Cooley Law School is the immediate past judicial law clerk for the Ingham County Probate Court. He is now an attorney with the Gallagher Law Firm, PLC, in East Lansing, where he practices in many areas of law primarily, concentrating in family law, probate administration, and estate planning and elder law, as well as personal protection order hearings.

By Jo Mathis
Legal News

Residence: I moved to Michigan with my wife and our four children in 2010 to attend law school. However, my wife's success at Sparrow Hospital has proven beneficial to our family and her career goals, so we decided not to return to New York. We now reside in Holt.

What is your most treasured material possession? It's a tie between my wedding ring and my necklace with three charms that were gifts from my wife over the years. My Bar card ranks right up there, too.

What advice do you have for someone considering law school? This is a decision not to be taken lightly. The experience will change how you think, how you perceive things, and most importantly, how you interact with people-even those you have known your whole life. It is necessary to prepare for the changes and be willing to accept them, including the financial commitment so a back-up plan is also important.

Favorite local hangouts: Being from western New York, chicken wings are an important part of my "hanging out" and the place that comes as close to being like home is Leo's Outpost on Pennsylvania Avenue. It is paramount to note, however, if there is no bone in it, it is not a chicken wing, and ranch dressing should only be used as an absolute last resort when dipping said wings.

Favorite websites:;; and

Favorite app? I don't tend to use apps a lot, but I do enjoy the ESPN fantasy football app during the season.

Favorite CD: I enjoying listening to sports talk radio. However, when the mood strikes me and because I enjoy most genres of music-unless my daughters have changed out my CD player in the car-I am currently enjoying Lionel Richie's "Tuskeegee," Styx and Journey's Greatest Hits, and probably some soundtrack to a Disney movie.

What is your happiest childhood memory? My mother passed away unexpectedly in 2008, and thinking back, as a child I remember helping her in the kitchen baking, and that always brings a smile to my face, and a grumble in my belly.

What would surprise people about your job? Knowing the basics, such as court rules and procedures and communication is important; however, knowing and respecting court clerks, judicial assistants and law clerks is paramount.

What do you wish someone would invent? A drink, a pill, or an app that would allow people to be administered a dose of common sense because these days it appears common sense isn't so common.

What has been your favorite year so far? Narrowing it down to just one is impossible; however, the years our children were born, graduating law school, and being admitted to the bar run neck-and-neck.

What is your most typical mood? I am usually in a happy and joking mood until it's time to be serious and get down to business.

Why did you become a lawyer? It's a long story, but here's the Reader's Digest version: My interest in being a lawyer started when I was about 12. However, I was told I wouldn't ever amount to much because of circumstances beyond my control, and yada, yada, yada, after years of rejection and different paths, Cooley Law School finally gave me what I was praying for: a chance to prove to myself that the doubters got it wrong. So, my becoming a lawyer was a combination of wanting to make a difference, making money, and, I guess, spite.

If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would that be? I would say my wife because she is truly a wonderful person. However, after realizing what she does on a daily basis as a mom, wife, and nurse-manager, I'm not built like that and that's probably why I am a man and not a woman. So, coming to that realization, I would have to say it's a toss-up between Terry Pegula, the new owner of the Buffalo Bills, and my English bulldog, Milo. The Bills are, for the 15th straight year, on early off season duties and there are huge decisions to be made for the future and I've got some good ideas. Milo, on the other hand, he sits around all day licking and scratching without any regard to those around him. he sleeps most of the time and is waited on hand and foot. I could deal with running an NFL team or being Milo for a day.

What's the most awe-inspiring place you've ever been? The maternity ward delivery room - Seriously, seeing the birth of our children was truly miraculous considering the small part and short time I had in contributing to their conception.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? To read minds.

What would you say to your 16-year-old self? "Sit down, shut up and hang on. The next 15 years are gonna have its ups and downs so, cowboy up. It will all payoff in the end."

What is your proudest moment as a lawyer? Just being admitted as an attorney is one of my proudest moments. However, as a practicing attorney, that moment has not happened yet, but I am determined that there will be many.

What do you do to relax? I try to mimic my bulldog, minus the whole licking thing.

How would you describe your home? Busy. With four children ranging from age 5 to almost 14, and my wife and I both busy with our careers, we are always on the go, but regardless, we always make sure we are together for dinner.

Any regrets? None! Every decision or event, good or bad, has in some way shaped the person I am today, and I have to say, looking back, I am proud of the man I have become.

What is one thing you would like to learn to do? I would like to learn to be a better ballroom dancer.

What is something most people don't know about you? Before becoming a lawyer, I was a bull rider, a paralegal, and a bartender.

If you could have dinner with three people, living or dead, who would they be? Pope St. John Paul II, Abraham Lincoln, and I always love those rare, one-on-one dinner dates with my wife.

What is the best advice you ever received? "Don't borrow sorrow from tomorrow."

If you can help it, where will you never return? I will never return to the day before I met my wife.

What do you drive? 2014 Chrysler 300S, but shhh! Don't tell my 2006 Kia Spectra. I think she's catching on and is jealous, but she knows I still love her because she kept her place in the garage.

What would you drive if money were no object? I've never been a "car guy" but I'm kinda sweet on my father-in-law's 1969 Road Runner.

Favorite place to spend money: Tim Horton's, the Hostess & Little Debbie section of any store, and local restaurants so we can cross off those items on our culinary bucket list.

What is your motto? Professionally, it is "Professional Service. Personal Attention." Personally, however, it is "Happy wife [and kids], happy life."

What would you like carved onto your tombstone? Devoted husband and father.

Published: Mon, Feb 02, 2015

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