Foster Swift Business releases six more Legal Basics videos

Foster Swift has added six videos to its Legal Basics video series. Entrepreneurs and business owners have many legal questions that often arise after business hours, so Foster Swift attorneys have collaborated to develop a library of short videos to provide basic legal information on some of the more frequently asked questions.

Based on client requests, the newly released videos cover:

- The Difference Between Nonprofit and Tax Exempt

- ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans): As a Succession Planning Tool

- First Steps in Protecting a Trademark

- How to Evaluate Investment Opportunities

- Tax Planning for Family Businesses

- Why You Must File A Form 990

The videos range from about 3-1/2 minutes to 7 minutes and give a general overview of each topic, including real-life examples, as well as some of the common errors businesses often make. They provide general information and are not legal advice. The video series is intended to help business owners proactively identify legal needs and select experienced legal counsel.

To access the videos visit, under publications and click on Legal Basics Videos.

They also are available at

Published: Mon, Apr 11, 2016