'Thank you for the donations to Challenge Day 2011!' from Angela Machnik

Challenge Day is offered to Jackson County middle school students through a collorbation between the City of Jackson Human Relations Commission and the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce MLK Diversity Committee. Bullying, teasing, exclusion, isolation-these are commonplace in our schools but their effects can be devastating: poor grades, low self esteem, truancy, depression, substance abuse, violence, and even suicide. Twelve middle schools in Jackson County, Michigan, will participate in a county-wide effort to empower their students to be agents of positive change, to help create schools in which kindness, respect and support are the norm. The initiative draws on the one-day experiential workshop called Challenge Day but goes much further. Designed to engage student participants in activities long before and after the Challenge Day experience, the initiative unites educators, students, parents, and community agencies in a focused effort to improve the social climate of area middle schools. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following businesses and individuals for their contributions to date for Challenge Day 2011:100+ Women Who Care, United Way of Jackson County, Kiwanis Club of Jackson, Western School District, Comcast, Dawn Foods Foundation, Vandercook Lake Public Schools, Michigan Department of Corrections, Acro Legal Copy Service Inc., Karen Fischer, Nancy Miller, Culver's Donation Boxes. Additional grants requests are pending. Visit our local Challenge Day website at www.JacksonMiddleSchoolChallenge.com or the national Challenge Day website at www.ChallengeDay.org. Challenge Day 2011 will take place Nov. 7-10 at the Lily Missions Center in Jackson. If you are looking to donate funds or your time please contact Angela Machnik at 517-782-8221 or Angela@JacksonChamber.org. Published: Thu, Aug 4, 2011

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