Foreclosure rates in Jackson decrease

Foreclosure rates in Jackson decreased for the month of June over the same period last year, according to newly released data from CoreLogic. The CoreLogic data reveals that the rate of Jackson area foreclosures among outstanding mortgage loans was 2.06 percent for the month of June 2012, a decrease of 0.51 percentage points compared to June of 2011 when the rate was 2.57 percent. Foreclosure activity in Jackson was lower than the national foreclosure rate, which was 3.27 percent for June 2012. Also in Jackson, the mortgage delinquency rate decreased. According to CoreLogic data for June 2012, 5.54 percent of mortgage loans were 90 days or more delinquent compared to 6.52 percent for the same period last year, representing a decrease of 0.98 percentage points. Published: Thu, Aug 30, 2012

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