Scholarship winners: Students honored during Hispanic Heritage Month

– Photo by John Meiu

Among those on hand for the presentation ceremony were (left to right) Lydia Gutierrez, Monica Navarro, Judge Maria Oxholm, Marc Vezina, Judge Patricia Perez Fresard, Ulises Macias Robles and Belem Morales.

By Debra Talcott

Legal News

Cooley Law School students Ulises Mario Racias Robles and Belem Morales will always have fond memories of Oct. 6, 2013.

The two are the first recipients of the Navarro-Vezina Scholarship and that’s the day they were honored by the Cooley’s Hispanic Latino Law Society and the Hispanic Bar Association of Michigan.

The two organizations came together last Sunday to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at El Barzon Restaurant in Detroit.

The Navarro-Vezina Scholarshio was established by Cooley Professor Monica Navarro and her husband, attorney J. Marc Vezina of Vezina Law, PLC.

“Our goal is to promote diversity within the student body at Thomas M. Cooley Law School and within the legal profession in Michigan by providing financial support to enrolled Hispanic and Latino students and to attract the enrollment of additional such students,” Navarro said.

Selection is based upon candidates’ intellectual ability, financial need, participation in Cooley-sponsored events, relevant volunteer activities, relevant life and work experience, work ethic, and desire to achieve. Candidates must demonstrate that they are people of character who will be an asset to the legal community upon graduation.

“Mr. Robles stood out among the list of qualified candidates due to his deep involvement in the Hispanic Latino community in the Detroit area,” said Navarro. “He is a native of El Salvador, an upperclassman at Cooley’s Auburn Hills campus, and a veteran of the U.S. military.”

Robles is the current president of the Hispanic Latino Law Society, and he has worked on numerous pro bono matters that benefit underserved communities, including immigration and troubled youth outreach programs. His selection carries a substantial scholarship prize that was awarded from the endowment of the Navarro-Vezina Scholarship Fund.

“I was speechless when I heard I was one of the recipients,” said Robles. “It feels like I’m walking on the tracks of some very successful Hispanic and I’m honored to carry on our culture and tradition.  I will work hard and do my best to be a great ambassador to Hispanics everywhere.”

Robles plans to begin his law career in criminal defense; eventually, he would like to become a prosecutor.  He is also attracted to the field of immigration law and hopes to devote some of his time in that area as well.

Cooley also named Belem Morales as this year’s second-place scholarship recipient for her notable pro bono work in immigration and family law projects.

Morales is a first-generation U.S. born Mexican-American and an upperclassman at Cooley-Auburn Hills.

“She, too, has a significant track record of service, which includes externships with the Washtenaw County Public Defender Clinic in Ann Arbor and the Legal Aid and Defender Association in Detroit, as well as pro bono work in immigration and family law projects,” Navarro said.

Morales, who has one more semester of law school to complete before taking the Michigan Bar next summer, said she was honored to be selelcted as a scholarship recipient.

“I plan to start a solo practice in criminal law and immigration law, and I will show my gratitude for this scholarship by continuing to help the Latino community and by demonstrating a commitment to community service,” she said.

Both scholarship recipients intend to practice law in Michigan, where they will continue their commitment to service of the Hispanic Latino Community.

“Mr. Robles and Ms. Morales embody the best of the Hispanic Latino Community at Cooley and beyond,” Navarro said, “and they are two of the many reasons for celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month.

Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15 each year to acknowledge  contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and South America.

The celebration began in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week during the Johnson presidency and was expanded by President Reagan in 1988.

Sept. 15 was chosen as the start of the annual celebration because it is the anniversary of independence for the Latin American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.  Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days during September as well.

In addition to witnessing the awards ceremony, participants at the event enjoyed speeches by several distinguished leaders from the Latino community in Michigan.

Judge Patricia Perez Fresard of the Wayne County Circuit Court Civil Division, Judge Maria Oxholm of the Wayne County Circuit Court Family Law Division and entrepreneur Lydia Gutierrez, president of Hacienda Mexican Foods, addressed the current state of Hispanic residents of Michigan.

Donations to the Navarro-Vezina Scholarship can be mailed to the attention of James Robb, associate dean, at Cooley Law School, 2630 Featherstone Drive, Auburn Hills, MI?48236.

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