Report All Poaching hotline now accepts text messages

The state Department of Natural Resources is making it easier for citizens to report fish and game violations through the convenience of text messaging.

The Report All Poaching (RAP) hotline (800-292-7800) now accepts text messages in addition to telephone calls.
Text messages may include photos.

The RAP hotline is a toll-free, 24-hour, seven-days-a-week number that enables citizens to report violations of fish and game laws, as well as other natural resource-related laws.

It is operated by DNR’s Law Enforcement Division. The DNR also offers a web-based reporting form.

“Poaching is a crime against every Michigan resident. Fish and game are shared resources that must be respected and properly managed,” said Gary Hagler, DNR Law Enforcement Division chief.

Upon receiving a text, the RAP system immediately replies with a message stating that a dispatcher soon will be in touch with the complainant.

A link to the RAP webpage is included. A dispatcher will begin a conversation with the complainant via text, collecting information just as dispatchers would do during a phone call.

Complainants wanting to speak to a dispatcher can request a return phone call or call the RAP hotline.