Constitution Day celebrated

The Macomb County Bar Foundation (MCBF) recently hosted a Constitution Day celebration for high school students at the Macomb County Courthouse. The event included a presentation by Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Carl Marlinga (center) of the history of the U.S. Constitution. In addition, Circuit Court Judge Kathryn Viviano (fifth from right) and other colleagues on the bench made their courtrooms available to students who had prepared arguments for various scenarios on free speech. Pictured with the judges are (from left) Rex Burgess, MCBF director; Annmarie Thursam; Dana Warnez, MCBF president-elect; Anthony Urbani and Renee Tegel, MCBF directors; Lori Smith, MCBF president; Laura Polizzi, MCBA Young Lawyers Section director; Stephen Steinhardt, MCBF director; and Matthew Schultz.

– Photo by John Meiu

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