Joan Stockli retires from Circuit Court Records

Attorney Dan Bonner, right, stopped in to congratulate Joan Stockli on retirement and is pictured with Joan and her son Douglas Yonkers.

By Diana L. Coleman
Legal News

 After nearly two decades with Muskegon County, Circuit Court Clerk Joan Stockli is calling it quits and sailing into those golden retirement years. A reception was held in the jury room on April 9 giving her colleagues and members of the community — both civil and legal — who have worked with her for many years an opportunity to wish her well in her retirement.

Stockli’s family joined her at the retirement party. It was obvious that Grandma is going to shower a lot more attention on those little ones now that she will have the time.

Since joining the circuit court records staff, Stockli has worked inputting data, recording new divorce cases and judgments, helping with family court and friend of the court issues, and other statistical data associated with her position. She also helped covering the counter and phones.

Stockli, a soft-spoken lady, has enjoyed the work and the people she has worked with through her tenure with the county, but she is looking forward to time at home to do those things you are too tired to do when you get home from work. “By the time I get supper and do dishes,” said Stockli, “I’m ready to sit down rather than tackle a big project. I’m going to get rid of a bunch of ‘stuff.’ I’m a saver and I don’t want to leave my family to go through all it when I’m gone.”

The first thing Stockli has to do is get her leg healed. She fell the week before retiring, resulting in an injury. “I’ve had CTs, MRIs, and now I have to go to an orthopedic specialist with my leg,” Stockli said. “As soon as my leg feels better, I’m sure I’ll enjoy tackling long-shelved projects.”

Stockli has a sister in California who is retiring in June. Stockli’s son, Douglas, has offered to fly her to California to spend time with her sister. Stockli questioned that he didn’t say anything about flying her back so she asked him. Doug said, “Yes, mother, I’ll fly you back home.” Stockli and her sister often share vacations either in Michigan or California. Now they will be able to spend time without worrying about getting back to work.

Stockli is a Muskegon native who now lives in the Fruitport area. She loves to read and do handiwork and is looking forward to plowing through the pile of books she has accumulated, but not had time to read.

One of her biggest joys is her grandchildren, and she cannot wait to spend more time with them. Happy retirement, Joan.


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