Jobless rates rise in all Michigan labor markets

LANSING (AP) -- Michigan says the seasonally unadjusted unemployment rate rose 1 percentage point statewide and is up in all 17 major job markets, mainly because of the usual winter downturn. The state said last Thursday that Michigan's seasonally unadjusted jobless rate hit 8.9 percent in December, up from 7.9 percent in November. When adjusted for seasonal changes, the rate remained unchanged at 8.9 percent. The Department of Technology, Management & Budget says the main factor is a typical winter employment decline. It says the job picture did improve for the year in all 17 markets. December joblessness in metropolitan Detroit rose from 9.7 percent to 10.2 percent, while Grand Rapids saw an increase from 5.4 percent to 6.5 percent. The Upper Peninsula's rate rose from 7.5 percent to 9.4 percent. ---------------- Online: Published: Mon, Jan 28, 2013