Workers comp/Social Security disability seminar offered by MAJ

The Michigan Association for Justice (MAJ) will present its Annual Workers Compensation/Social Security Disability Seminar "The 91% Solution: Sherlock Holmes Investigates the Case of the Missing Remedy & Dr. Watson Reminisces about When Workers Could be Socially Secure" from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 17, at the Westin Hotel in Southfield. Expert comp practitioners will provide guidance on the impact of Obamacare, the new administrative rules, and the latest case law; overcoming MCAC bias, developing job search proofs and maximizing attorney fees; the meaning of Lofton and Harder; and compare the remedies available to injured workers in other jurisdictions. Social Security experts will discuss the new DSM-V, developing proofs of mental impairments, and changing technology in SS practice. Cost, which includes digital copy of program materials, is $155 for MAJ members, $75 for MAJ sustaining members, and $180 for non-members. For hard copy of the program materials, attendees must pay an additional $50. To register or for additional information, visit and click on "Seminars & Events." Published: Tue, Dec 17, 2013

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