Cooley Law School and WMU launch third dual degree partnership

Thomas M. Cooley Law School and Western Michigan University (WMU) today announced their third dual degree partnership, launching the area's first-ever Masters of Social Work (MSW)/Juris Doctor (J.D.) program. Recruitment begins in fall 2011 and enrollment of the first applicants is anticipated to begin in fall 2012. Students can attend any WMU campus for classes geared for the MSW and any of Cooley's campuses, including its Grand Rapids campus, for law classes. Those who successfully complete the program will earn an MSW from WMU and a J.D. degree from Cooley. The partnership will allow students to combine their interests in issues such as: * Family law and family well-being * Social processes related to prisoner re-entry into communities * Social welfare policy and legislation related to poverty * Social processes related to child protection, parent rights, immigration issues "Both schools are focused on providing students with the knowledge and skills that will make it easier for them to succeed quickly when entering professional employment," said Nelson Miller, associate dean of Cooley's Grand Rapids campus. "We believe that combining these two degrees can provide the competitive edge executives and attorneys need in the marketplace." "This is an example of a program designed to fulfill the needs of students who have unique career objectives that can be best met by completing two degrees instead of one," said Dr. Linwood Cousins, director of the School of Social Work at WMU. "The partnership will facilitate the education of students with an interest in both law and social work." The two other degree partnerships that Cooley and WMU offer are J.D./Master of Business Administration and J.D./Master of Public Administration programs. Cooley also has similar partnerships with Oakland University and Olivet College. Published: Mon, Sep 26, 2011

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