"The Nuances of Representing Military Clients"

Cooley Law School invites attorneys to attend a free training seminar on Friday, October 26 to prepare lawyers to expertly represent military service members and learn about opportunities to support low-income military members and families through pro bono service.

The seminar, “The Nuances of Representing Military Clients,” will be held at Fort Custer in Augusta, Mich. Topics will include military estate planning, family law, property and rental, re-employment after deployment, the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, and more.

The fort is located at 2501 26th Street, Augusta, Mich. The GPS address of 1201 Denso Road, Battle Creek, Mich., will bring drivers right to the gate of the fort.
Please RSVP to Heather Spielmaker, Cooley Law School director of the Center for Ethics, Service, and Professionalism, at spielmah@cooley.edu or by phone at (517)
371-5140, ext. 4112.

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