Program to look at the future of the Voting Rights Act, Feb. 25

The Michigan Chapter and Wayne State University Law School Student Chapter of the American Constitution Society will present "A Look at Shelby County: The Future of the Voting Rights Act." The program will be conducted Monday, Feb. 25, at noon at Wayne State University Law School's Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium, 471 West Palmer Street in Detroit. Is Section 5 still needed? What constitutional questions are in play in this case? What are the potential implications for congressional action aimed at combating discrimination in other contexts? This event will explore these and other questions. Participants include Marcia Johnson-Blanco, co-director, Voting Rights Project, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law; Ellen D. Katz, professor of law, University of Michigan Law School; and Wayne Law Interim Dean Jocelyn F. Benson who will act as moderator. Lunch will be provided. To register, visit Published: Wed, Feb 20, 2013

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