Cybersecurity, DOMA discussed at ABA meeting

Legal experts will convene to discuss some of today’s hottest topics, from the Defense of Marriage Act and LGBT rights to cybersecurity in light of the Target data breach incident, at the American Bar Association Midyear Meeting Feb. 5-10 in Chicago.

Ppanelists at the meeting include Olympic gold medalist and lawyer Nancy Hogshead-Makar, who will discuss Russia’s anti-gay legislation and the free speech rights of athletes and spectators at international sporting events such as the Olympics.         

Other subject-matter experts include Kathryn J. Kennedy, director for the Center for Tax Law and Employee Benefits at the John Marshall Law School, who will discuss the implications of the Supreme Court’s ruling on DOMA. Col. Dawn D. Hankins and Capt. Amanda K. Snipes will speak on the Air Force Special Victims’ Counsel Program, which trains Air Force lawyers to advise sexual assault victims.

Lori Silverbush and Kristi Jacobson, directors of the documentary “A Place at the Table,” which tells the story of hunger in America, will host a screening and discussion of their film.

In addition to the nearly 750 events at this premier gathering of legal professionals, the ABA House of Delegates — the association’s policymaking body — will gather Feb. 10 at the meeting headquarters, the Hyatt Regency Chicago.

Randall T. Shepard, chair of the ABA Task Force on the Future of Legal Education, will present the task force’s final report to the House of Delegates.

The report will call on law schools, bar associations, regulators and others to develop ways to reduce the cost and improve the value of a law degree, enable greater experimentation and innovation in law schools and expand opportunities for delivery of legal services.

Meeting program highlights include:  

• Thursday, Feb. 6
“Privacy in the Digital Age — Is There Even a Barn Door Left to Close?” — Panelists will consider how consumers can protect their privacy and not be followed or whether, once the choice is made to go online, all bets are off.

• “They’ll Take My Big Gulp From My Cold, Dead Hands — Public Health, Police Power and the Nanny State” — Panelists will compare various state and federal approaches with the common question: What limits on personal choice can be adopted in the name of public health, the environment and the traditional police powers exercised by governments?

• Friday, Feb. 7
“Disaster Response and Preparedness: Hot Topics in Urban Mass Catastrophes” — This program will inform those interested in preparation for and response to the inevitable but unpredictable urban mass disaster. Experts will share developments from around the country to help in coping with catastrophic events.

“A Town Hall Forum on the School-to-Prison Pipeline: What Are the Problems? What Are the Solutions?” — This open town hall forum will bring together those who live in and along the school-to-prison pipeline, bar leaders, leaders interested in implicit bias, experts who have developed successful programs across the country to address pipeline issues and individuals and organizations from diverse backgrounds that are working to address this issue.

“DOMA Overruled: Implications for Health Care Plans and Other Employee Benefits” — As a result of the Supreme Court’s ruling in U.S. v. Windsor, same-sex couples who are legally married in any state are required to be recognized as “spouses” for purposes of federal law. This panel will examine the immediate implications for employers maintaining health and welfare plans, retirement plans and other fringe benefit programs.

“Poverty and State/County Family Intervention Due to Alleged Child Abuse and Neglect” — A panel of attorneys and public policy experts will explore how changes in U.S. child abuse and neglect laws might better address the poverty-child protection nexus.

“Protecting the Rights of Students and Student Organizations in Public Schools” — This panel will focus on the issues that contribute toward intolerant environments in public schools, particularly in regards to bullying, harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ students and associated Gay-Straight Alliance organizations on campus; tactical decisions in advocating for the rights of these students, particularly in states with explicit sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression protections; the legal framework for such efforts; and ways in which lawyers can collaborate with community organizations to achieve success.

“Olympian Troubles: Responses to Russia’s Anti-Gay Legislation During the Sochi Winter Olympics” — The panel will consider the free speech rights of athletes and spectators at international sporting events. It will also consider the treatment of LGBT people in other countries and discuss how the international community can work to minimize violence against LGBT people in Russia and around the world.

• Saturday, Feb. 8
“Ninth Annual Summit on Indigent Defense Improvement” — This all-day conference will review national developments in indigent defense, such as new court decisions, legislation, funding and federal actions. In one program, lawyers from the Northwestern University Center on Wrongful Convictions and exoneree Terrill Swift will recount the critical need for effective assistance of counsel.
“A Playbook for Cyber Events” — Recent data breaches at Target and Neiman Marcus underscore the importance of cybersecurity to the private sector. In the wake of the Snowden and Manning incidents, it is increasingly harder for both the government and the private sector to protect its assets and secrets. Panelists will discuss these breaches as well as current cyber threats, applicable laws and the relevant ethical standards.

• Sunday, Feb. 9
“Task Force on Legal Access Job Corps Open Forum” — The Legal Access Job Corps Task Force, created by ABA President James R. Silkenat, is charged with finding ways to match unemployed or underemployed new lawyers with the significant unmet legal needs of people of low and moderate incomes. This discussion will focus on how bar associations, law schools, law firms, courts, nonprofits and other stakeholders are employing creative solutions to address this mission.

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