Jackson College highlights National Campus Safety Awareness Month

 With school back in session, raising safety awareness is crucial to establishing a safe campus environment. Since 2005, colleges and universities across the United States recognize September as National Campus Safety Awareness Month (NCSAM). The Clergy Center for Security on Campus partners with colleges, universities and other agencies to offer campus safety programming and ideas. College campuses face many safety issues, such as high risk drinking, illegal drug use, prescription drug abuse, sexual assault, violence and other destructive behaviors.

 Campus safety efforts are most successful when the community encourages communication and collaboration among administration, staff, students, parents and community groups. The Jackson County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition collaborates with many professionals in substance abuse related matters. The Jackson College has campuses in both Jackson and Hillsdale Counties. The Jackson College Student Services assists students with many needs and have various referral services available. The following tips can help to promote safety on campuses:
Learn about your campus safety office and familiarize yourself with its location and services offered. It is a good place to find security tips and campus crime information.
Walk with others at night and stay on well-lit paths. If there is no one to walk with, contact campus security to request an escort.
Always tell someone where you are going and when you plan on returning. Do not post your whereabouts on social networking sites.
Be aware of surroundings; Park in well-lit areas whenever possible, know where campus emergency phones are located, trust your instincts and do not wear earphones or text while walking from place to place.
If going to parties or social events, be responsible. Do not leave your drink unattended. Attend events with someone you know and trust. If using alcohol, be sure to have a designated driver.
Know your limit for alcohol. When your senses are impaired, you are more vulnerable.
Always report suspicious activity to the police.
Students who may wish to obtain additional information on prescription drugs, substance abuse, or additional services may contact Jackson College Student Services or Marilynn Fryer at Jackson College. Sgt. Cathy Fitzgerald of the Michigan State Police Jackson Post reminds everyone that taking another person’s prescription drugs is both dangerous and a violation of the Michigan Compiled Laws. College Campuses are encouraged to work with their local Substance Abuse Coalitions to help college students and their communities.
For more information about Jackson County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition and its activities,  contact Briana Jefferson at 517-796-5133 or via email at bjefferson@uwjackson.org.

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