PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A jury has awarded $125,000 to a 19-year-old who sued her landlord for lead poisoning she says she suffered while living in a Pawtucket apartment when she was 2.
The Providence Journal reports that the verdict, amounting to $350,000 with interest, went in favor of Traecina Claiborne.
The law firm Motley Rice, which represented Claiborne, said in a statement that even though the lead exposure occurred 17 years ago, Claiborne still suffers from and will continue to suffer for the rest of her
life from brain injuries and IQ loss.
The jury found that the landlord negligently concealed or failed to disclose the lead paint issues in the apartment and that the lead was responsible for Claiborne’s health problems.
- Posted July 31, 2015
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