Monday Profile: Francyne Stacey

Francyne Stacey recently joined Hooper Hathway after practicing with Butzel Long and Pear Sperling Eggan and Daniels.

Born and raised in Detroit, she has been an Ann Arbor resident for “too many years to count.”

Her practice includes immigration law for businesses, families and individuals.  She also represents employers and employees in all types of employment matters, from litigation to administrative claims before the EEOC or Michigan Department of Civil Rights, to drafting employee handbooks and providing training.   

Stacey is a member of the State Bar of Michigan, Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, and American Immigration Lawyers Association.  She serves on the Institute of Continuing Legal Education Labor & Employment Law Advisory Board.

By Jo Mathis
Legal News

Residence:  Ann Arbor.

What is your most treasured material possession? A difficult question to answer,  but probably handmade cards from my kids and niece and nephews. 

What advice do you have for someone considering law school?
  Ignore the hype and remember there is a life outside of law school and lawyering.

Favorite local hangouts: My house, friends’ homes, Raven’s Club in the winter, and for swimming, Pickerel Lake.

Favorite websites: I have to admit that Facebook is a favorite.  Houzz and Pinterest are also fun, as well as Scrabble.

What is your happiest childhood memory? The J.L. Hudson Thanksgiving Day Parade, Detroit Tigers, and the fireworks.

Why did you become a lawyer?  So people would listen to me.  I’m not sure I have achieved this goal.

What would surprise people about your job?  I meet a lot of interesting people. 

What is your most typical mood?  Good, engaged. 

Favorite beverage: Water and green tea latte from Starbucks, no syrup.

Who is on your guest list for the ideal dinner party?
Ellen DeGeneres, Amy Schumer, Tina Fey and Jon Stewart.

If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would that be? 
My niece, Harper.  She is the happiest person I know.

What are the most awe-inspiring places you’ve ever been?
The top of Angel’s Landing in Zion National Park, and Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

What is your proudest moment as a lawyer?  Obtaining a permanent resident card for the spouse in a same-sex couple.  There are many others, but this comes to mind first.

How did you earn your first dollar?  From the tooth fairy. 

Favorite joke:  The one about the duck, a bar, nails, and duck food.

What do you do to relax? Walk and play with my dogs, read, yoga, bike…

How would you describe your home?  Eclectic, bright, colorful.

What word do you overuse?  Like, well, probably like.

What is one thing you would like to learn to do?  I would like to learn not to use the word “like” so often.

What is something most people don't know about you? 
I was in the school of education at U of M and did my student teaching in Sheffield, England. 

What is the best advice you ever received?  Life is for living; take advantage of it.  

If you can help it, where will you never return?  An all-inclusive resort we went to once. 

What do you drive?   Prius plug in.

What would you drive if money were no object?  Nothing.  I would have a driver.

Favorite place to spend money:   Boutique hotels.

What is your motto? 
“Live generously and with kindness.”

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