At a Glance ...

Township examining what went wrong with Nassar case

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP (AP) — Authorities in a Michigan township have hired someone to examine a 2004 investigation that failed to spur charges against now-imprisoned gymnastics sports doctor Larry Nassar.

The Lansing State Journal reports Wednesday that retired East Lansing police officer Ken Ouellette will conduct the 60-day investigation into the handling a complaint made by Brianne Randall-Gay.

She was 17 when she told Meridian Township police Nassar had molested her during an appointment. Police dropped the case after Nassar insisted his actions were part of a legitimate procedure.

Nassar worked for Michigan State University and the U.S. women’s Olympic gymnastics team . Hundreds of women and girls say Nassar sexually abused them under the guise of medical treatment.

Teacher starts each  day with personalized handshakes

SOUTH LYON (AP) — A Detroit-area teacher is putting a positive spin on the start of each school day by greeting her students with personalized handshakes.

WDIV-TV broadcast video of Tamara Besco greeting her first-hour students at Millennium Middle School in South Lyon.

Besco says she knows her students face big challenges in their lives at home or in their past that she can't change, so she realized that "a good morning is something that I can change."

Besco says she gave her students two weeks to come up with their own greeting and then gave herself two weeks to learn them all.

Now, she starts each day with the greetings and a smile.

Bowler turning 105 still looks to improve game

WEBSTER, N.Y. (AP) — A New York state man who has been bowling for more than 90 years says he's still trying to improve his game as he turns 105 years old.

Tom Pisano bowls in the Monday and Wednesday leagues at AMF Empire Lanes in Webster, a Rochester suburb. League organizer Brad Larson says Pisano also stops by a couple other times a week to bowl additional games.

Larson says Pisano averages around 135 per game, but the centenarian always talks about improving his scores.

Pisano turned 105 on Wednesday and celebrated his birthday with his league friends.

Pisano, whose wife is also over 100 years old, says he bowls for the exercise.

Mmm ... Bacon! Vending machine a hit on university campus

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Many Ohio State University students are taking a break from studying for final exams by making a bacon run.

Senior Sarah Page, who studies meat science, says the bacon vending machine at the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has turned out to be even more popular than expected. It has to be restocked four or five times a day. It offers cooked bacon strips and bacon bits for $1.

Proceeds will benefit the meat science program.

The Ohio Pork Council sponsored the machine, with bacon donations from Smithfield, Hormel and Sugardale.

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